
Here you can find some photo's of my holliday's etc.

German Beers

Konig Ludwig Weissbier dunkel Very Nice, strong fruity flavor
Hofbrau Swarze Weisse Very Nice
Gutmann dunkles hefeweizen Ok
Sneider weizen dunkel Very Nice
Scheyern kloster weisse dunkel Very mild flavor
Augustiner Weissbier Strong hoppy flavor
Franziskaner Weissbier (dunkel) flat flavor
Andechs Doppelbock dunkel Ask Claire, she likes it

Garden Plants

TreeAcer Palmatum 'Kibune'
RoseRose 'Crown Prince Magarita' (D. Austin)
RoseRose 'Red Eden' (D. Austin)
RoseRose 'Mein Munchen'
Rose5x unknown
ClimberHumulus Lupulus
Indoor Alocasia calidora


Takamine EG340SC

I have been playing guitar since mid 2008. Recently I acquired an acoustic guitar. I was looking for a dreadnaught model, solid top. The guitar performs as well or better as expected, some pros and cons are:

The most amazing quality has to be that the guitar stays in tune all the time. Recently the temperature dropped 5 degrees in 2 hours, no problem. Same goes for humidity, really amazing. An other impressing feature is that on all the strings the note on the 12th fret nearly perfectly matches the flageolet.

The sound and looks are of course subjective, but in case you are interested in my opinion... The guitar looks nice, but it is not the most extravert one for sale. So if you are looking for something else have a look at the Ibanez's for example. I like the look, but it was not the main selling point.

The sound on the other hand was something that attracted me to the guitar. In my opinion it sounds great, very smooth polished sound. It is also able to produce high volumes without the sound being bland.


Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top

I recently aquired this guitar, when I have played it a bit I will write about my experiences.

The Old Hickory D42-NAT (Sold)

I have bought the "Old Hickory" guitar to keep player whilst doing my traineeship in Denver. I have picked up this instrument for $200 and so far I have been happy with it. It actually has an compensated bridge, not bad for that price.

The sound of this guitar is not as good as that of the Takamine; that aspect is something the EG340 excells at. The feel comes reasonable close to it however, not bad for a guitar this cheap.